Sarsen Consulting

The Internet's immense reach and powerful potential have led to an explosion of business-to-business e-commerce.  So far, however, few business suppliers are exploiting this development for maximum competitive advantage.  Instead of merely automating an existing supply chain model, you should use e-commerce to fundamentally rethink your offerings.  You can no longer count on tradition, brands, advertising, habit, or customer ignorance as a proxy for your sales and marketing work.  And because the internet undermines the traditional sources of advantage, the rules have changed --  and so must your solutions.

With Sarsen's B2BDirect services, we'll meld our MileOne and TouchPoint analyses with state-of-the-art systems-to-systems integration technologies (e.g. XML) to streamline your client's supply chains and take advantage of the two-way flow of information between you and your customers and suppliers.

For more information related to this or any of our other services, approach or philosophy, please don't hesitate to contact us at