The multitude and pervasiveness of technologies that allow interaction between your business and your stakeholders has exploded in recent years. With continued advancements in voice response, messaging, and wireless technologies, the ability to deliver information when, where, and how it's needed has become increasingly more feasible - and complex. What may be desirable through one communications channel is not necessarily viable with another. And making your end-user experience seamless, while conveying that you 'know who they are' regardless of touchpoint, is an imperative. Sarsen's proprietary TouchPoint Analysis services will guide you through a 360° view of your stakeholders, processes, and products. The commonalities and barriers identified will feed a thoughtfully crafted design providing your customers, suppliers and employees with a seamless interactive experience regardless of time, geography, or communications channel. For more information related to this or any of our other services, approach or philosophy, please don't hesitate to contact us at |