Sarsen Consulting

Our multi-year client relationships include Fortune 500 companies in the financial, telecommunication, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Our clients continue to engage us year after year because we deliver on our projects and principles.

Sample client list"



Financial Svcs/Banking


TouchPoint,  Cognizance, OpReady
Financial Svcs/Securities

NASD Regulation (NASDAQ)

MileOne, OpReady
Financial Svcs/Securities

Folio Trade Online

MileOne, TransAx
Financial Svcs/Securities

JMW Settlements & Threshold Services Inc.

Financial Svcs/Insurance

Online Insurance Startup


Bell Atlantic

TouchPoint, OpReady


MileOne, TouchPoint, TransAx, OpReady

MCI Telecommunications




Bayer Pharmaceuticals

MileOne, TouchPoint
Health Care

Mercy Ventures

Health Care

Birch & Davis Associates

MileOne, TransAx, Cognizance
Health Care

 Community Healtcare Plan



Federal Government

Health Care Finance Administration

MileOne, Cognizance
Federal Government

US Department of State

TransAx, Cognizance


For Citibank's Global Corporate Bank, Sarsen engineers managed the global deployment of their $300MM corporate banking internet infrastructure. More... Back...

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ)

Sarsen project managers led the requirements engineering and deployment for the National Association of Security Dealer's Order Audit Trail System, to create an integrated audit trail of order, quote, and trade data for regulating the security industry’s order handling business practices. 

Sarsen managed the analysis and improvement of all work processes for NASD’s 200-person membership department, transitioning work processes and staff from a mainframe-based operating environment to an Internet-based environment. More...  Back...

FolioTrade Online Brokerage

Sarsen analyzed this startup brokerage's order handling business and system requirements to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations. Educated FolioTrade staff about the applicable regulations, registration requirements, and the system design/operations of regulator compliance systems. Assisted with the completion of a detailed design of the FolioTrade order handling compliance component.  Back...

JMW Settlements & Threshold Services Inc.
Sarsen performed annual audit of financial reports and the supporting accounting system for an insurance settlement company and a not-for-profit organization according to the AICPA guidelines for auditing and financial reporting.
- Gained an understanding of the clients business, planned scope of audit, and identified any areas of concern and/or higher risk areas. 
- Performed the audit steps according to the audit plan, verifying supporting accounting systems were functioning normally. 
- Recommended areas for improvement for their documented accounting policies & procedures based upon findings discovered during the audit phase.
- Assembled financial data in acceptable financial reporting format for financial statement users.  Back...

Online Insurance Startup

Sarsen is working with a start-up company to develop a new system to provide web-based insurance services. 
- Provides strategic planning services to guide the client in defining the overall system architecture, estimating project costs, and selecting and managing vendors. 
- Provided guidance for defining the high-level system requirements definition.  Back...

Bell Atlantic

Sarsen systems engineers performed an architecture and security assessment, defined capacity plans, and established change control procedures for an enterprise-wide imaging and document management system for Bell Atlantic. Our engineers extended their duties to help manage the requirements gathering, development, testing and deployment of a customer-facing call center application.  Back...

Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Sarsen business analysts led a team of four consultants and twenty client employees in the rapid specification and development of more than 120 reports, letters, contracts, and notifications for a comprehensive, three-tier reporting architecture used to deliver Bayer Pharmaceuticals managed care sales information.

For the managed care division of Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Sarsen led a 12-member team through requirements analysis of an automated Bids, Contracts, Rebates, and Marketing management system. Back...

Mercy Ventures & Medical Center

Managed a team of five employees to implement a physician practice management system at several physician offices. Each implementation involved an extensive data migration effort.
- Integrated claims processing systems with system services related to value added networks, Medicaid, and outsourced printing. 
- Managed implementation of local area network for a 20-person billing office.  Back...

Birch & Davis Associates

Subcontracted by Birch & Davis Associates, a healthcare management consulting firm, to analyze, develop, and implement a system that successfully captured and processed more than 400,000 responses to a 550-question survey for the Veterans Administration HIV\AIDS program.   Back...

Community Healthcare Plan

Managed a team of three analysts and developers in rapidly developing and deploying a MS Access-based data repository for a community healthcare plan. The repository successfully passed a healthcare audit and provided mandated healthcare data to the New York State Department of Health.
- Reviewed a detailed, complex HEDIS/QARR standards specification (250 pages) to define repository requirements
- Imported and formatted millions of records of raw data from the source system.
- Developed 140 queries, some involving joins of as many as 10 tables and 600,000 records
- Desk-checked all code and results, formally presented all information required for auditors to approve the repository, and produced the detailed data analysis results.  Back...


LocaMotion is a web-based transportation services company. Prior to the company gaining funding, Sarsen provided strategic planning services to guide them through the project initiation and planning phase. Sarsen is currently designing and developing the mission-critical communication components that support vehicle tracking.
- Led the release management planning effort and the system's requirements definition
- Created baseline logical and physical data models
- Performed the end-to-end development of the communication components including requirements analysis, system architecture and detailed component design, component development, and deployment support.  Back...